Bioevopeak Chemistry Reagents

Jiashan Power Tech Co., Ltd / 2022-06-23

Bioevopeak Chemistry Reagents

  • Transport Package:High-Qiality Carton
  • Trademark:Bioevopeak
  • Origin:China

=== Base Info ===

  • Production Capacity:2000 Units,Month

=== Description ===
Overview Product Description

Cat.ProductShort NameSizeFormatMethodR1R2Liver Function2000ALT/GPTALT60ml×460ml×2LiquidIFCC2010AST/GOTAST60ml×460ml×2LiquidIFCC2020ALPALP60ml×345ml×1LiquidIFCC2030γ-GT (GGT)GGT60ml×336ml×1LiquidSzasz2120Total BilirubinTB60ml×412ml×4LiquidDiazonium2125Total BilirubinTB60ml×415ml×4LiquidVanadate2130Direct BilirubinDB65mlx28mlx4 5mlx1LiquidDiazonium2135Direct BilirubinDB60ml×415ml×4LiquidVanadate2140Total ProteinTP60mlx4LiquidBiuret2150AlbuminALB60mlx4LiquidBromine Cresol Chlorine2275Total Bile AcidsTBA60mlx220mlx2LiquidEnzymatic Cycling2285ADAADA50ml×125ml×1LiquidEnzymatic Kinetic2471LAPLAP24mlx212mlx1LiquidL-leucine-p-nitroaniline substrate method9055PAPA60mlx112mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricKidney Function2110Uric AcidUA60mlx230mlx2LiquidUrease/Peroxidase2070UreaUREA60ml×460ml×2LiquidUrease2170CreatinineCREA60mlx450mlx1LiquidPicrate2175CreatinineCREA60mlx230mlx2LiquidSOD Enzymatic9085Cys-CCys-C50mlx150mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9086Cys-CCys-C60mlx115mlx1LiquidLatex Immuno Turbidimetric9140RBPRBP45mlx115mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9060U-mALBU-mALB60mlx212mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricRheumatism9035CRPCRP60mlx115mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9105ASOASO40mlx160ml×1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9110RFRF60mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricBlood Lipid2080CholesterolCHO60ml×460ml×2LiquidCHOD-PAP2090TriglycerideTG60ml×330ml×1LiquidGPO-PAP2238Direct-HDL-CHDL60ml×420ml×4LiquidClearance2248Direct-LDL-CLDL60ml×420ml×4LiquidClearance9000ApoA1ApoA160mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricApoBApoB60mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9065Lp(a)Lp(a)70mlx110mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9066Lp(a)Lp(a)60mlx115mlx1LiquidLatex Immuno Turbidimetric9120D-DimerDD60mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricGlycometabolism2100GlucoseGLU60ml×345ml×1LiquidGOD-PAP2106GlucoseGLU60ml×415ml×4LiquidHK9130HbA1CHbA1C60mlx119mlx1  1mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric2340GSPGSP14mlx66mlx6LiquidNBTMyocardium Zymogram2040CK-NACCK60mlx230mlx2LiquidIFCC2045CK-MBCK-MB20mlx410mlx4LiquidImmuno-inhibition2050LDH-LLDH60mlx354mlx1LiquidL-P2060α-HBDHα-HBDH30mlx322.5mlx1LiquidDGKC2300HCYHCY60mlx119mlx1LiquidEnzymatic CyclingPepsinogen9040PG IPG I50mlx110mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9045PG IIPG II50mlx110mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricPancreas2220α-Amylaseα-Amy50mlx210mlx2LiquidEPSBlood Gas Electrolyte2160CalciumCa60ml×460ml×4LiquidOCPC2183PhosphorousP60mlx227mlx2LiquidMolybdate2190MagnesiumMg50mlx250mlx2LiquidXylidy Blue2311Potassium (K)K45mlx115mlx1LiquidPyruvate Kinase2321Sodium (Na)Na45mlx115mlx1LiquidPyruvate Kinase2331Chloride (CL)CL60ml×3LiquidMercuric Thiocyanate2380Lithium (Li)Li20mlx210mlx2LiquidEnzymatic2260CO2CO221mlx47mlx5LiquidEnzymaticSpecial Protein9005IgGIgG60mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9010IgAIgA60mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9015IgMIgM60mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9020C3C360mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9025C4C460mlx120mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9030TFTF15mlx210mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric2360PCTPCT21mlx17mlx1LiquidImmuno Turbidimetric9116hs-CRPhs-CRP60mlx160mlx1LiquidImmuno TurbidimetricNutrition918025-OH-VD25-OH-VD17ml*117ml*2,17ml*1LiquidLatex Immuno TurbidimetricPackaging & ShippingBioevopeak Chemistry ReagentsCertifications


Bioevopeak Chemistry Reagents

About Us

Bioevopeak Chemistry ReagentsBioevopeak Chemistry Reagents


Q: Can QPCR be used directly upon arrivalDoes new machine need calibration after transporation ?  

A: It need to be unlock first when arrive . There is video instruction.  No need calibartion .


Q: What is the requirment of PC when install software ?

A: It need Win10 system PC. For new PC, it need to install a driver before install software. During the runing of software, PC screen need to keep on , not use dormant status.


Q: What is the difference between 4 channel and 6 channel model ?

A: PCR-RT-96-6 has six detection channels. PCR-RT-96-4 has five detection channels. They all have 2 duplicated for same dyes SYBR / FAM.  PCR-RT-96-4 have one channel extra - Cy3/NED/TAMRA


Q: What is the difference between Standard and Fast mode for Melting curve?

A: Both model QPCR have 2 FAM/SYBR channel. For SYBR , in melting curve  FAST Mode, the 2 FAM channel will be open at same time and detection time will be shorter than standard mode.  But FAST mode cannot be used in Taqman probe mode.


Q: Can we adjust the voltage(Gain value )of PMT Setting of different channel ?

A: It cannot adjust the voltage of each channel , but we can adjust the light path with 3levels accordng to customer requirement to meet the demand of different signal intensity.


Q: What is the Scanning method?

A: From the top to scan each tube in sequence. The advantage is - avoid the crosstalk and get accurate fluorescence value.


Q: What is the door direction ?

A: QPCR door  is at front side of machine.


Q: Does QPCR result  need to be corrected by ROX ?

A: Not need  


Q: What is the Detection device of QPCR? What light source  and how many?

A: The detection device is PMT.  The light source is LED. X6-6  X4-5


Q: What is the difference between PMT and CCD detection

A: PMT is  highly sensitive signal detector. The detector scans the fluorescence signal of each well separately.  It can effectively reduce fluorescent crosstalk. CCD is like a high-sensitivity camera.It collects fluorescence values of all well positions at once.It takes less time.


Q: What is the sample volume ?

A: 10-50ul


Q: What size tube can be used on QPCR ?

A: Recommend 100ul PCR tube or low profile 200ul tube.   If use 200ul high profile tube , it will appear steam in the tube which may affect the test result. If must use 200ul high profile tube,  suggest to add paraffin oil .


Q: It only has Second unit when we set the timer,   can we have option of Minute ?

A: The length of gene is usually 200bp,  time required  as Seconds level. Only in RT test ,  Minute is needed .  Will consider to add Minute unit in future.


Q: Can we edit program while QPCR run the program ?

A: Cannot edit .


Q: During PCR running , how to check the previous test result ?

A: Click 'File- Open in frame '


Q: What is the ordinate of the amplification curve currently showing?

A: In the latest version of the software, the original fluorescence value, Rn value and the normalized fluorescence value curve can be displayed.


Q: In the absolute quantitative test, can result analysis show the average value and deviation?

A: It need to tick out Replicate (in sample setting interface)  when set Replicate sample and standard sample as the same value , then it appears average value during analysis , but cannot show the deviation value.


Q: Can user delete those unnormal results whe make the standard curve ?

A: The software does not support  direct edit after test , user can output the CT value data and edit it in excel, then make the standard curve in excel.


Q: How to avoid the wrong setting or miss-selection of channels ?

A: Software doesnot support analysis after result, Suggest user to tick out all the channels during setting.


Q: How to adjust the threshold value ?

A: Select Spine method,  threshold line will appear  and can be adjusted


Q: What is the suitable value of Threshold line ?

A: For Linearity curve , put it at inflection point.  For logistic curve, put it at straight line place


Q: The application result is normal why data cannot output ? Why the aplication curve cannot display when tick out the reaction tubes position ?  

A: Check the Return at the right corner of Amplification interface,  click Return then can operate.


Q: Can user  define the color of amplification curve ?



Q: How to adjust the start point of  baseline after test end ?

A: The baseline has been automatically corrected , not need to adjust . The latest version of the software provide the option of baseline adjustment.


Q: How to solve the issue that signal value reach to upper limit at platform stage?

A: Can adjust the concentration of  fluorescene marker or set the PMT detection as Low level .


Q: Can we use Molecular beacon to do melting curve ?

A: Hardware can support this test, but software doesnot have this analysis function, will be added in the next version software.


Q: Does QPCR have HRM analysis ?

A: The software is not supported currently


Q: What need to be attention when move the instrument ?

A: Before move the instrument , put the machine in 96 well protection plate and lock the machine.   Refer to the Lock operation video.


Bioevopeak Chemistry Reagents


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